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jack: one year photos

oh my cuteness...this little boy is just pure joy!! we met up a couple of days before his first birthday, and I had that absolute pleasure of documenting who he is as a sweet little one year old! sometimes kids come to their session needing a little time to warm up, to get to know me, to just be them selves. but not jack! this boy was ready to go right away! from the second we met up, he greeted me with big smiles and giggles!

Capturing who jack is...well, he made it pretty easy!

His vibrant personality was on full display! showing me his best attempts at taking a few steps with those classic zombie arms...

FREAKING OUT in full excitement when mom pulled out a SOCK!! Yes, a sock of all things...but for real: JOY!!

He did not spare me those giggles...

the drama of being one...

and definitely didn't pass up a chance to explore!

such a joy to capture this time for this sweet boy and his family!! looking forward to meeting his big sister in the future!!

PS: happy mothers day to all you mamas out there!!


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Abby Jean Photography LLC

Eden Prairie, MN


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