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wren: 9 months + fall magic

This little lady has captured my heart. She makes me work my butt off and i've maybe seen her smile only HALF of a time. Stone cold, serious little girl yet I am just so captivated by her...her perfect lips and dazzling eyes. This little lady is a wonder! At her 6 month shoot, we made her lay in the middle of a field of flowers and now, for her 9 month fall photos, we made her hangout at 7am in the freezing cold (it was 44 degrees when we all met at our location!). But this girl is a champ and already such a little model....but she must get THAT from her parents!

(dad of the year...this out take HAS TO make the blog! I mean seriously, rocking that dad life hard core! Props to you, Joe!)

This was my first time actually meeting Joe. He is quite the trooper of a dad and husband! He married such a visionary of a wife who has been texting with me for months casting this outstanding vision for this shoot. She is a detailed planner making every detail picture perfect. Joe cracks me up, he goes right along with her plan and told me he is learning to just shut off his brain and go with it for the hour or so of our session (I told him he might need to counsel my husband when the time comes for our own family photos some day!).

As I mentioned, Anya holds the vision! For this shoot, she had two perfect ensembles for all the fall vibes (YES, it was the first day of fall thank you!!). Our session started in a field of FOG. It was such a dream as the sun began peeking through the field and illuminating it all! Despite the cold, Minnesota was showing off what its really made of: PURE MAGIC!!

Babies, flower crowns, and fall colors! Now these are some photographer dream come true moments! We had been oping and praying for a PERFECT golden hour to really make this vision come alive...and as you can see, our prayers were answered with the perfect morning glow!

I also want to give a little shoutout to Maggie (, the magnificent makeup artist who got up bright and early to give Anya this perfect, glamorous look and those gorgeous plum lips! And her hair? Anya is an amazing artist making all your hear dreams come to can see her work over at

Such a PERFECTLY magical start to fall. I am so thankful to work with families who trust me when I tell you to wake up at the crack of dawn just for perfect light. I'm grateful for Anya and her excitement and vision and how we always get to dream up the next fun shoot together! Thank you, Tierney's, for choosing me to be a part of making these memories of your family last together! You guys are an absolute dream! Oh, and kiss little Wren on those cheeks for me, too ;)


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Abby Jean Photography LLC

Eden Prairie, MN


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