SURPRISE! baby tastad coming soon!
We have been hiding a very fun secret for a while now and I’m seriously the HAPPIEST ever to finally share this news!! Coming March 2019, little baby Tastad will be joining our crew! These past 12 weeks have been filled with more joy and anticipation than I would have ever expected! It has been the absolute BEST season of life getting to tell all of our friends and family the big news; The reactions have been hilarious and life giving! We have such an amazing community around us, this little baby will be SO smothered in love!!
Jake and I are BOTH first borns AND both the only one of our siblings married! So, to say the least, this little baby is already getting a LOT of attention! We have been showered with adorable gifts and love letters for baby. From time to time, I find Jake with a tiny onesie in his arms with the BEST smile on his face as it slowly sinks in!! For me, on the other hand, this baby hasn’t left my mind! From the puking and bloating to the excitement and pure exhaustion by 5pm….I find myself dreaming about this tiny one almost constantly!!
Last month we got to see our tiny baby for the first time!! The ultrasound basically showed a tiny jelly bean wiggling around…it wasn’t much to see but WOW was it the most surreal, relieving and exciting feeling!! This morning we heard baby’s heartbeat for the first time and everything has just suddenly gotten so much more real!!
As I have blogged many times before, being a mom has been my biggest dream since as long as I can remember! You should have seen me….growing up I was over the top OBSESSED with my doll, Bethany (and yes, I do still have her!!). I would take her for walks around the neighborhood every day and didn’t stop playing with her until middle school (embarrassing?). Eventually our neighbors started handing off their little ones to me and they would join me and my friends on our dates to the mall, come over for dinner, and replaced Bethany on those daily walks. I was a little baby crazy, can you tell?
My brother was born when I was 5.5 years old. A ripe age for motherhood if you ask me! HA! I remember playing house…but he was my live baby! As long as he would let me, I would hold him and mother him. Well, to be honest, my mom still tells me regularly I’m too protective of him and need to let him live his life! Maybe I’m still trying to mother him after all ;) Since high school, I have always worked as a nanny! Even my job through college and still to this day! Within the last two years I also decided to do this photography business with a focus on….BABYS AND MOTHERHOOD! So, its all coming together as you can see!!
Finding out we were pregnant was the most amazing feeling! I had been completely convinced I was pregnant and kept taking tests, knowing full well it was too early! That first positive test brought so many emotions! Not only was it the best news ever, it was BOTH our 2 year anniversary AND father’s day!! We had just gotten home from our anniversary camping trip and Jake was napping so I had time to write him a very sappy first father’s day card! We can’t believe we are going to be parents in 2019!!
Our due date is March 3….right between my February 19 birthday and Jake’s March 11 birthday! But I’m definitely hoping baby and I will share a birthday month!! We will DEFINITELY be finding out gender in October and I can hardly wait to know!! I’d love to hear your guesses before we find out J
Thanks for reading and being a part of this journey! We are so incredibly excited and so thankful to God for this absolute miracle and amazing gift!! This little baby has already brought us such joy and excitement to our lives! Now….just about 28 more weeks of waiting!