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Everly's birth story

Birth story:

Disclaimer: all of the images in this blog post were taken by the incredible STEENA ANNE PHOTOGRAPHY (

Pregnancy was a perfect mix of ‘the good, the bad, the ugly’. The first trimester sickness and nausea and extreme exhaustion, the second trimester bliss that kept me feeling like I wanted to be pregnant forever…then that dreaded third trimester with a split pelvis keeping me nice and crabby on a regular basis. I was convinced she would come early and became a very desperate pregnant lady trying every old wives tale you have ever heard. From drinking super saturated raspberry leaf tea, ball bouncing, eating dates and mall walking on the daily. The last week I walked at least 3 miles every day…and also ate Buffalo Wild Wings boneless parmesan garlic wings 4 times. Pregnancy does weird things to you…

On February 20, we had (another) giant snow storm. Jake was told to work from home which was such a treat for me. He drove me to my OB appointment where I found out I was 3cm dilated and 80% effaced! We set an induction date for February 26 and I left there feeling so happy and relieved! Throughout that whole day, I was contracting pretty regularly. Every 9 minutes for an hour, then they’d stop for a while, then start back up. I was hopeful but also annoyed by them stopping and starting. I texted some friends asking “will I know when I’m in labor?” with surprisingly varied results. One friend saying “Oh, you will DEFINITELY know” and another saying that my day sounded like the start to her labors with all three of her kids. Just a little confusing as you can imagine.

Finally, after lots of walking and ball bouncing, I decided to go to bed around 9pm. I had the whole bed to myself as I had so lovingly kicked my husband out of bed to sleep on the couch because I couldn’t stand his snoring or body heat (did I mention how crabby I was? haha!). I tried to sleep but